Baldur’s Gate 3 Linux Wine
Baldur's Gate 3 Linux Wine - how to play this game on Linux.
Gather your party, and return to the Forgotten Realms in a tale...
Serious Sam 4 Linux DXVK Wine
Serious Sam 4 Linux DXVK Wine - how to play this game on Linux.
Humanity is under siege as the full force of Mental’s hordes...
Intel процесорите, които ще излязат през 2018-а година няма да бъдат...
Изпълнителният директор на Intel Brian Krzanich обяви, че се работи денонощно по отстраняването на текущите бъгове при техните процесори, но въпреки това има да...
Големите масиви от данни: полезни, стига да се използват умело
Никой не може да отрече силата на големите масиви от данни. Това е толкова ценен инструмент за бизнеса, че водещи специалисти вече го наричат...
Forza Horizon 4 Linux Wine
Forza Horizon 4 – how to play this game on Linux.
Dynamic seasons change everything at the world’s greatest automotive festival. Go it alone or...
Immortals Fenyx Rising Linux DXVK Wine
Immortals Fenyx Rising Linux DXVK Wine - how to play this game on Linux.
Play as Fenyx, a new winged demigod, on a quest to...
Nioh 2 Linux DXVK Wine
Nioh 2 Linux DXVK Wine - how to play this game on Linux
Experience the thrill of taking on hordes of fearsome yokai in a...
Hitman 3 Linux Wine
Hitman 3 Linux Wine - how to play this game on Linux.
Agent 47 returns as a ruthless professional in HITMAN 3 for the most...
Cyberpunk 2077 Linux Wine
Cyberpunk 2077 Linux Wine - how to play this game on Linux.
Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world, action-adventure story set in Night City, a megalopolis...
Torchlight III Linux DXVK Wine
Torchlight III Linux DXVK Wine - how to play this game on Linux.
It’s been a century since the events of Torchlight II, and the...
Baldur’s Gate 3 Linux Wine
Baldur's Gate 3 Linux Wine - how to play this game on Linux.
Gather your party, and return to the Forgotten Realms in a tale...
Serious Sam 4 Linux DXVK Wine
Serious Sam 4 Linux DXVK Wine - how to play this game on Linux.
Humanity is under siege as the full force of Mental’s hordes...
Horizon Zero Dawn Linux Wine
Horizon Zero Dawn Wine - how to play this game on Linux.
Experience Aloy’s entire legendary quest to unravel the mysteries of a world ruled...