Излезе KDE Frameworks 5.27 за Plasma 5.8 с нови MIME икони и поправки на различни проблеми.
Излезе най-новата версия на KDE Frameworks вече 5.27.0 за KDE Plasma 5.8 LTS, която носи със себе си множество подобрения. Една от големите промени е появата на нови MIME икони (скрийншота по-долу).
„Новото издание е част от плановете за ежемесечни издания, които имат за цел да носят подобрения и да дават на разработчиците сигурност и предвидимост в поддръжката“, се казва в анонса на екипа на KDE.

Много от компонентите, които идват предварително инсталирани в KDE Frameworks получават най-различни подобрения и поправки на проблеми като KIO, KPeople, Plasma Framework, KWallet Framework, KTextEditor, KCoreAddons, KFileMetaData, NetworkManagerQt, KNewStuff, Package Framework, KCrash, KItemViews.
Допълнително KCodecs, Doxygen tools, KConfig, KActivities, Baloo, KArchive, BluezQt, CMake modules и KDELibs 4 също получават различни подобрения, заедно с иконите Breeze и Oxygen. KWayland вече поддържа Surface enter и оставя събитията в Wayland сесия.
Пълния списък с промените можете да видите на официалния сайт на KDE.
New in this Version New mimetypes icons. Baloo Use correct config entry in autostart condition Fix sorted insert (aka flat_map like insert) (bug 367991) Add missing close env, as pointed out by Loïc Yhuel (bug 353783) Transaction not created => don’t try to abort them fix missing m_env = nullptr assignment Make e.g. Baloo::Query thread safe On 64-bit systems baloo allows now > 5 GB index storage (bug 364475) Allow ctime/mtime == 0 (bug 355238) Handle corruption of index database for baloo_file, try to recreate the database or abort if that fails BluezQt Fix crash when trying to add device to unknown adapter (bug 364416) Breeze Icons New mimetypes icons Update some kstars icons (bug 364981) Wrong style actions/24/format-border-set (bug 368980) Add wayland app icon Add xorg app icon (bug 368813) Revert distribute-randomize, view-calendar + reapply the transform fix (bug 367082) Change folder-documents from one file to the multiple file cause in a folder more than one file is included (bug 368224) Extra CMake Modules Make sure we don’t add the appstream test twice KActivities Sorting activities in the cache alphabetically by name (bug 362774) KDE Doxygen Tools Many changes to the overall layout of the generated API docs Correct tags path, depending of if the lib is part of a group or not Search: Fix href of libraries which are not part of a group KArchive Fix memory leak with KTar’s KCompressionDevice KArchive: fix memory leak when an entry with the same name already exists Fix memory leak in KZip when handling empty directories K7Zip: Fix memory leaks on error Fix memory leak detected by ASAN when open() fails on the underlying device Remove bad cast to KFilterDev, detected by ASAN KCodecs Add missing export macros on classes Decoder and Encoder KConfig Fix memory leak in SignalsTestNoSingletonDpointer, found by ASAN KCoreAddons Register QPair<QString,QString> as metatype in KJobTrackerInterface Don’t convert as url an url which has a double-quote character Windows compile fix Fix very old bug when we remove space in url as „foo < >“ KCrash CMake option KCRASH_CORE_PATTERN_RAISE to forward to kernel Change default log level from Warning to Info KDELibs 4 Support Cleanup. Do not install includes that point to non-existing includes and also remove those files Use more correct and with c++11 available std::remove_pointer KDocTools Fix ‘checkXML5 prints generated html to stdout for valid docbooks’ (bug 369415) Fix bug not been able to run native tools in package using cross compiled kdoctools Setup targets for cross compiling running kdoctools from other packages Add cross compiling support for docbookl10nhelper Add cross compile support for meinproc5 Convert checkxml5 into a qt executable for cross plattform support KFileMetaData Improve epub extractor, less segfaults (bug 361727) Make odf indexer more error prove, check if the files are there (and are files at all) (meta.xml + content.xml) KIO Fix KIO slaves using only tls1.0 Fix ABI break in kio KFileItemActions: add addPluginActionsTo(QMenu *) Show copy buttons only after checksum has been calculated Add missing feedback when computing a checksum (bug 368520) Fix KFileItem::overlays returning empty string values Fix launching terminal .desktop files with konsole Classify nfs4 mounts as probablySlow, like nfs/cifs/.. KNewFileMenu: show New Folder action shortcut (bug 366075) KItemViews In listview mode use the default implemention of moveCursor KNewStuff Add KAuthorized checks to allow disabling of ghns in kdeglobals (bug 368240) Package Framework Don’t generate appstream files for components that are not in rdn Make kpackage_install_package work with KDE_INSTALL_DIRS_NO_DEPRECATED Remove unused var KPACKAGE_DATA_INSTALL_DIR KParts Fix URLs with a trailing slash being always assumed to be directories KPeople Fix ASAN build (duplicates.cpp uses KPeople::AbstractContact which is in KF5PeopleBackend) KPty Use ECM path to find utempter binary, more reliable than simple cmake prefix Call the utempter helper executable manually (bug 364779) KTextEditor XML files: remove hard-coded color for values XML: Remove hard-coded color for values XML Schema Definition: Turn ‘version’ into an xs:integer Highlighting definition files: round version up to next integer support multi char captures only in {xxx} to avoid regressions Support regular expressions replaces with captures > 9, e.g. I (bug 365124) Fix rendering of characters spanning into next line, e.g. underlines are no longer cut off with some fonts/font-sizes (bug 335079) Fix crash: Make sure the display cursor is valid after text folding (bug 367466) KateNormalInputMode needs to rerun SearchBar enter methods try to „fixup“ rendering of underlines and stuff like that (bug 335079) Show „View Difference“ button only, if ‘diff’ is installed Use non-modal message widget for externally modified file notifications (bug 353712) fix regression: testNormal did only work because of test execution at once split the indent test into separate runs Support „Unfold Toplevel Nodes“ action again (bug 335590) Fix crash when showing top or bottom messages mutliple times fix eol setting in mode lines (bug 365705) highlight .nix files as bash, guess can’t hurt (bug 365006) KWallet Framework Check whether kwallet is enabled in Wallet::isOpen(name) (bug 358260) Add missing boost header Remove duplicate search for KF5DocTools KWayland [server] Don’t send key release for not pressed keys and no double key press (bug 366625) [server] When replacing the clipboard selection previous DataSource needs to be cancelled (bug 368391) Add support for Surface enter/leave events [client] Track all created Outputs and add static get method KXmlRpcClient Convert categories to org.kde.pim.* NetworkManagerQt We need to set the state during initialization Replace all blocking calls for initialization with just one blocking call Use standard o.f.DBus.Properties interface for PropertiesChanged signal for NM 1.4.0+ (bug 367938) Oxygen Icons Remove invalid directory from index.theme Introduce dupe test from breeze-icons Convert all duplicated icons into symlinks Plasma Framework Improve timetracker output [ToolButtonStyle] Fix menu arrow i18n: handle strings in kdevtemplate files i18n: review strings in kdevtemplate files Add removeMenuItem to PlasmaComponents.ContextMenu update ktorrent icon (bug 369302) [WindowThumbnail] Discard pixmap on map events Don’t include kdeglobals when dealing with a cache config Fix Plasma::knownLanguages resize the view just after setting the containment Avoid creating a KPluginInfo from a KPluginMetaData instance running tasks must have some indicator task bar lines according to RR 128802 marco give the ship it [AppletQuickItem] Break from loop when we found a layout Read more: http://news.softpedia.com/news/kde-fram … z4MZyZFx32