Anno 1404 Linux D9VK Wine – how to play this game on Linux.
Anno 1404 and its add-on are an award winning combination of construction, economy, discovery, diplomacy & combat. Raise monumental metropolises and develop an idealized historical empire in the Orient and the Venice of the Renaissance. The game also offers multiplayer support, allowing you to share this experience with your friends.
Create your own nation with a unique blend of simulation and real-time strategy as you journey across the globe to explore, trade, and learn technologies to expand your empire and to make your own history.
Anno 1404 Linux D9VK Wine – how to play this game on Linux.
As an Ubisoft title Anno 1404 is not originally available on Linux. However you can still play it on Linux with a decent performance. Here we’ll show you how to play Anno 1404, Anno 1404: Venice, and Anno 1404: Dawn Of Discovery on Linux. Let’s start!
We’ll need Wine or Wine-Staging, D9VK, a setting in a config file, Microsoft core fonts, and DirectX 9.
– If you don’t know how to install D9VK, you are in luck – you can follow our easy D9VK installation guide.
– The Microsoft core fonts installation is easy. You’ll have to issue the following command in terminal:
winetricks -q corefonts
Install corefonts only if you are using the Uplay versions of the games. There’s no need to install corefonts for the GOG versions.
– For DirectX 9 you’ll need Microsoft’s official installer and not Wine’s d3dx9 implementation. You’ll have to download Microsoft’s official installer and run it with double click just like in Windows. Follow the installer’s steps.
– As the final step you’ll need to edit the game’s config file in order to switch to DirectX 9 mode. The file is named Engine.ini and can find it in the following locations:
- For Anno 1404 go to:
/prefix/drive_c/users/your_user/Application Data/Ubisoft/Anno1404/Config/
- For Anno 1404: Venice go to:
/prefix/drive_c/users/your_user/Application Data/Ubisoft/Anno1404Addon/Config/
- For Anno 1404: Dawn Of Discovery go to:
Open Engine.ini and find the following key:
And change 0 to 9:
If the key isn’t there, create it.
If you have problems with the ingame movies, disable Antialiasing filtering from the game options.
You can also use ESync for an increased performance.
Splendid! Now you can play Anno 1404 series on Linux!

- Wine version used in the video – Wine-Staging 4.13 with ESync enabled.
- D9VK version: 2b6f0111
- NVIDIA driver: 430.40
Link to the official D9VK project site – here.
For any questions don’t hesitate to use the comments section bellow.
Thanks Scott! Corefonts are needed only for the Uplay version 🙂
Just an update for the History Edition using Lutris:
Steps to install:
1/ new wine prefix
2/ install game
3/ with winetricks install d3dx9_40 and d3dx9_42
4/ install the games included DX package:
with winetricks > Run explorer, navigate to MyComputer\C:\Games\Anno 1404 History Edition\Support\DirectX and double click DXSETUP.exe. (change to suit install location)
5/ requires WineHQ staging 6.0-rc4
6/ Install and enable DXVK 1.7.1L, other 1.7.1 builds also work.
Game now runs.
do not need corefonts or change directX version
Tested on several Kubuntu 20.10 PCs with AMD Ryzen CPUs