Fort Boyar Linux DXVK Wine – how to run this game on Linux.
Cross the threshold of Fort Boyard and complete the challenges! Enter Fort Boyard and take up the challenge with more than 10 activities that combine Action and Party Games! Endurance, dexterity, and perseverance will be your best assets for collecting boyard coins.
Fort Boyar Linux DXVK Wine – how to run this game on Linux.
Fort Boyar runs well on Linux but requires some work. You’ll need Wine-Staging and install DXVK and mfplat (Windows Media Foundation).
– For DXVK installation you may reffer to our DXVK installation guide.
– For mfplat installation you’ll need to go to z0z0z’s GitHub site, download the archive, extract it and run the script:
Export your Wine prefix path:
export WINEPREFIX="/path/to/wine/prefix"
And run the script from the archive:
All done! You can now start Fort Boyar on Linux!
Optionally you can use ESync for an FPS boost.

- Wine version used in the video: Wine-Staging 4.11 with ESync enabled.
- DXVK version: 1.2.2