Anno 2205 Linux DXVK Wine – how to play this game on Linux.
Anno 2205™, the sixth title in the award-winning city-building franchise, expands into space. Colonise continents on Earth, establish bases on the Moon, and mine the Moon’s resources to transform your cities into thriving metropolises.
Thousands of hours of accessible and challenging gameplay let you go beyond the story and ultimately grow monumental cities with thousands of buildings. You control your growing corporation simultaneously on multiple locations on Earth and the Moon.
Gameplay brings a revolutionary session mode that lets you play on multiple islands, instantaneously connecting different regions. Anno 2205™ is the biggest in the series, offering unlimited replay value on islands five times bigger than in previous games.
The new game engine offers a true sense of grandeur and brings an unprecedented level of detail and immersion. Your city comes to life with flying cars and more than a million thriving citizens alongside churning factories, grinding mines, and amazing wildlife, all completely animated and driven by your actions.
Anno 2205 Linux DXVK Wine – how to play this game on Linux.
Like every other Ubisoft game, Anno 2205 is a title without native Linux support. Nevertheless you can play it on Linux in an easy way.
For this game you’ll need only Wine or Wine-Staging, DXVK, 2 environment variables, and a setting in DXVK config file. Let’s get started!
If you don’t know how to install DXVK, today you are in luck! You can follow our full DXVK installation tuttorial.
For the game to work correctly you’ll have to set the environment variable PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8. You have several choises.
- At every start you can issue in terminal the following:
And then start the game.
2. Put the variable in the game’s shortcut properties at the end of the command like this:
Keep in mind this option will look different on different desktop environments but the logic is the same.
3. Create a script with the variable:
#!/bin/sh export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8 wine "/path/to/the/game/game.exe
And start the game from it or create launcher to the script.
Don’t forget to disable UPlay Overlay!
At this point the game will start and you can begin to play but you’ll experience crashes from time to time. To fix this you have to set another environment variable but this time in dxvk.conf file . To do this just open the game’s exe root directory (Anno 2205/Bin/Win64/) and create a text file named dxvk.conf. Open it and paste the following:
Save the changes end close the file.
If you want you may use ESync for an FPS boost.
You are ready! Now you can play Anno 2205 on Linux!

- Wine version used in the video: Wine 4.12.1 with ESync enabled.
- DXVK version: 1.3.1
- NVIDIA driver: 430.40
Link to the official DXVK project site – here.
For any questions don’t hesitate to use the comments section bellow.