Майкрософт пусна preview ъпдейти за Windows 7 и 8.1

Windows 7

Майкрософт пуснаха нов preview пакет за потребителите на Windows 7 и Windows 8.1.

По този начин те ще получат ранен достъп до пакета, който ще бъде пуснат през следващия цикъл, който е за декември месец.

От октомври Майкрософт вече не спускат индивидуални ъпдейти, а вместо това цели пакети, които съдържат всички ъпдейти от всички месеци, а сега компанията дава възможност на потребителите да получат ранен достъп на ъпдейтите, които предстоят, заедно с Security Monthly Quality Rollups, които са по желание.

Тези ъпдейти са насочени към потребители, които искат да тестват предварително новите ъпдейти, но също така и за администратори, които искат да подготвят инфраструктурата за следващия Patch Tuesday.

Patch Tuesday се състои всеки трети вторник от месеца и ъпдейтите могат да бъдат свалени от Update Catalog на Майкрософт.

Само преди няколко часа от редмънд пуснаха preview на ъпдейтите за декември, които са за Windows 7 и Windows 8.1, а ако искате да ги инсталирате, и по-конкретно – [url=https://support.microsoft.com/kb/3197875“ target=“_blank“ rel=“nofollow]KB3197875[/url] и [url=https://support.microsoft.com/kb/3197869“ target=“_blank“ rel=“nofollow]KB3197869[/url].

KB3197875 се явява Preview of Monthly Quality Rollup за ноември 2016-та година за Windows 8.1 и Windows Server 2012 R2 и включва в себе си много промени, които можете да видите във включения по-долу списък с промените.

Според официалната KB страница KB3197875 включва подобрения и поправки, които са били част от Monthly Rollup KB3197874, който излезе на 8-ми ноември 2016-та година, като този ъпдейт включва и новите подобрения и се явява preview на следващия месечен ъпдейт.

KB3197869 е Preview of Monthly Quality Rollup за ноември 2016-та за Windows 7 SP1 и Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, който идва с множество подобрения и поправки на бъгове, както и някои вградени функции.

Ъпдейтите могат да бъдат свалени чрез Microsoft Update Catalog, както и от публикуваните по-горе линкове, които са директно от страницата на Майкрософт.

[url=https://support.microsoft.com/kb/3197869“ target=“_blank“ rel=“external noopener noreferrer“ data-wpel-link=“external]KB3197869[/url] – November 2016 Preview of Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 This update includes improvements and fixes that were a part of Monthly Rollup KB3197868 (released November 8, 2016). This update also includes these new quality improvements and is a preview of the next Monthly Rollup update. Key changes include:

Addressed issue where event logging fails to log the IP addresses of incoming Remote Desktop Protocol calls.
Made updates to support the deprecation of SHA1 server authentication certificates where applications can opt in to the new behavior.
Updated Belarus’ ISO 4217 code from BYN to BYR.
Addressed issue with devices that intermittently fail to shut down correctly.
Addressed issue where external authentications through the Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) Proxy role start failing after renewing the token signing certificate

[url=https://support.microsoft.com/kb/3197875“ target=“_blank“ rel=“external noopener noreferrer“ data-wpel-link=“external]KB3197875[/url] – November 2016 Preview of Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 This update includes improvements and fixes that were a part of Monthly Rollup KB3197874 (released November 8, 2016). This update also includes these new quality improvements and is a preview of the next Monthly Rollup update. Key changes include:

Addressed issue where updating the driver for the onboard RAID controller to a version higher than the RTM version causes all impacted servers to stop responding indefinitely
Addressed issue where the Internet Information Services (IIS) W3C logging service stops working when using custom logging fields to track user requests.
Addressed issue where a cluster node that has lost network connectivity doesn’t fail over properly to the partner node that has full network connectivity. On the node with full network connectivity, the cluster services shut down.
Addressed issue with an error that occurs when retiring and removing a physical disk using the Cloud Platform Suite (CPS) field-replaceable unit (FRU) procedure. After replacing the disk, it fails.
Improved support for networks by adding new entries to the Access Point Name (APN) database.
Addressed issue where a Network File System (NFS) server crashes when a user tries to back up data files to it. The error code is “STOP 0x4E”.
Addressed issue where, after enabling the Cluster Service’s IgnorePersistentStateOnStartup switch for troubleshooting, you must restart the entire cluster to exit diagnostic mode when troubleshooting is done.
Addressed issue where event logging fails to log the IP addresses of incoming Remote Desktop Protocol calls.
Addressed issue with a consistent five-second delay during network data transfer to a Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Server.
Addressed issue where the dynamic DNS registration process often causes failures and queue buildup when a reverse lookup zone is not present.
Made updates to support the deprecation of SHA1 server authentication certificates where applications can opt in to the new behavior.
Addressed an issue with the domain controller running out of memory during security descriptor propagation to a very large number of Active Directory objects.
Addressed issue where a disk that’s configured with the Resilient File System (ReFS) stops working when it’s under heavy loads and is using software that makes calls to a Direct Access Storage Device (DASD) I/O. Any infrastructure or components that rely on this disk will also stop working.
Addressed issue where some cluster nodes become unresponsive when the Wmiprvse service fails.
Updated Belarus’ ISO 4217 code from BYN to BYR.
Addressed issue with the boot partition appearing in File Explorer after installing MS16-100.
Addressed issue with lost access to a shared Resilient File System (ReFS) volume folder when a write operation occurs and its parent folder is being renamed concurrently. The file server (ReFS) becomes unavailable.
Addressed issue with input/output errors in the Microsoft Cloud Platform Suite (CPS) when a Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) enclosure management module (EMM) malfunctions.
Added a feature for Windows virtual machines called In Machine Configuration (IMC). IMC will reduce boot time by eliminating the reboot performed during specialization.
Improved server’s first boot time.
Addressed issue so that the In Machine Configuration (IMC) sequence number is reset after sysprep to support policy-based error handling for IMC.
Addressed issue where timeout failures occur when using Microsoft Multipath I/O (MPIO.SYS) and a path temporarily fails.
Addressed issue where the Remote Desktop Service gets into a deadlock during virtual channel management and can’t accept new connections. This leads to a black screen or brief window before the client disconnects.

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