Излезе Windows 10 Build 14385


Днес от Microsoft пуснаха нов билд за Windows 10 – 14385. Поправени са бъгове и е увеличена производителността.

В този билд няма никакви нови функции, което е напълно логично, предвид факта, че до Anniversary Update остава по-малко от един месец (2 август) и в пълно съответствие с намеренията на компанията, която бяха обявени по-рано от Donna Sarkar. Билдът е пуснат в бързия кръг на Insider програмата, за потребителите, които участват в нея.

При десктоп версията на Windows 10 build 14385 е оправен дразнещият бъг, където системата съобщаваше, че крайният срок на Windows ще изтече на 15-ти юли, оправени са различни сини екрани при използване на Mobile Hotspot, подобрен е и животът на батерията при Surface устройствата.

От Microsoft казват, че браузърът Edge е с подобрено бързодействие, а Spotify повече няма да крашва при слушане на музика. При Edge също така е отстранен проблемът при, който при последователно отворени страници и наличието на AdBlock и LastPass, браузърът не показваше коректно контекстните менюта и и статус информацията.

Оправени са и два бъга при виртуалните машини с Windows Server 2016 Tech Preview 5 и при компютри, които не са с EN-US език.

При мобилната версия на Windows 10 build 14385 биват поправени различни бъгове, които са станали известни от миналия билд. В Edge вече могат да се отваряд PDF файлове и да се разглеждат, чрез докосване. Поправени са проблемите при старите телефони, които имаха проблеми със скъсен живот на батерията, а също така е оправен и проблемът с кръщаването на SIM картите при телефони с повече от една SIM карта.

Поправени са проблемите, при които виртуалната клавиатура не се показва в InPrivate режим при Edge и проблемът, при който Voice Recording не се показва като опция при запис на глас.

Последния билд можете да свалите от нашия сайт, а пълният списък с промените можете да разгледате тук:

Improvements and fixes for PC

You should no longer see a notification pop-up once a day saying that your Windows evaluation copy expires on 7/15/2016. I know this has caused a lot of you some angst so thank you for being patient.
We have improved battery life for Surface devices.
We fixed an issue resulting in Spotify sometimes crashing while playing music.
We fixed an issue resulting in the Google Chrome window being clipped on the top when maximized.
We fixed an issue with Mobile Hotspot that could result the host device bug-checking (bluescreen) and rebooting if it was sharing on a 5GHz band and the connected device browsed to certain websites.
We fixed an issue where the pin prompt shown when connecting to certain VPNs would display behind the other open windows.
We fixed an issue resulting in LastPass and AdBlock extensions for Microsoft Edge not showing the expected context menu items or status information in subsequently opened Edge windows. We also fixed an issue where the current tab in Edge might hang after exiting Web Notes.
Projecting to a PC auto-discoverability is off by default. To have your PC beacon so it can be discovered and you can project to it through the Connect quick action from a Continuum enabled phone or another PC, go to Settings > System > Projecting to this PC and set “Windows PCs and phones can project to this PC when you say it’s OK” to “Available everywhere” or “Available everywhere on secure networks”. You can also set other settings on this page to your preference.

Improvements and fixes for Mobile

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You can open PDFs in Microsoft Edge and use touch to interact with the PDF (such as scrolling, pan or zoom) again without it constantly reloading the PDF.
We have improved battery life for older devices, such as the Lumia 830, 930, and 1520.
We fixed an issue where setting the SIM name on a dual SIM phone would sometimes fail.

Known issues for PC

A recent fix went into place for the Hyper-V firmware that will that affect the ability to boot Windows Server 2016 Tech Preview 5 VMs with Secure Boot enabled. A fix for TP5 builds has been developed however, due to release schedules, the Insider Preview build changes will be released before the TP5 fix is released. During that time, if you try to boot a new TP5 VM with Secure Boot enabled, it will fail. The workaround is to disable Secure Boot during this period.
After you install this build on a PC using a non-EN-US language, you may get error code 0x80004005 when enabling Developer Mode on the “For Developers” Settings Page. Even after seeing this error message, your machine is in developer mode and you should still be able to use Visual Studio to develop Universal Windows Applications. In most cases, this error indicates that extra components required by the operating system to enable additional debugging features in Visual Studio or the Windows Device Portal could not be installed automatically. To fix this: #1. Go to Settings > System. #2. Click on “Apps & features” #3. Choose “Manage Optional features” #4. Press the button “Add a feature” #5. Select the package for Windows Developer Mode #6. Click “Install” #7. Reboot your PC #8. Launch Command Prompt as Administrator #9. Run: sc config debugregsvc start=auto Finally, return to the “For Developers” Settings page. You will still see the error code, 0x80004005 but you should now be able to enable Windows Device Portal and the Device Discovery features.

Known issues for Mobile

Voice Recorder does not show up consistently as an option for Call Recording. We heard your feedback and are working actively on this.
The keyboard doesn’t show up consistently for InPrivate mode on Microsoft Edge. We’re working on this. A workaround is to click on the Microsoft privacy statement hyperlink on that page and then the keyboard works in the search/address bar. We’re working on fixing this.
REMINDER: We have changed the backup format for Windows 10 Mobile devices to reduce the size of the backup stored in OneDrive. As a result, if you do a backup on a device running the latest Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview builds and move back to the released version of Windows 10 Mobile (Build 10586) and restore from your backup – your Start screen layout won’t restore and remain the default Start layout. Your previous backup also gets overwritten. If you need to go back to Build 10586 temporarily, once you are on Build 10586 you should disable backup so it doesn’t overwrite the good backup from Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview builds.

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